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Products Description
TURBO-2L Linear Automatic PET Blow Molding Machine is economical model which self-developed by WATON MACHINERY technical team,with feature economic, fast, convenient. It can make different kinds of PET package for water, edible oil, juice, wine, cosmetics, etc. It can make max. 2Litre bottle.

model |
Cavit Qty. |
2 cavum |
Maximilianus. Utrem Volumen |
2000ml |
collum magnitudine |
18 ~ 38mm |
Theoretical Output |
1,800-2,400BPH |
Maximilianus. Utrem Diameter |
105mm |
Maximilianus. Utrem Height |
330mm |
1.Upgrade to Servo Motor Drive:
Preform Transfer System: preforms horizontal movements are driven by Servo Motor which achieve high-speed positioning and smooth motion.
Finge Clamping System: The servo motor drives the rocker linkage, driving frame and the bottom mold opening and closing. Reaction time is reduced to 50% compared to traditional pneumatic model. Simple structure, no wear, longer use life.
Stretch System: Servo motor precisely controls the movement of stretch rods, and the accuracy can reach 1 mm. According to the adjustment of the bottle type, greatly improve the blowing adjusting process of flexibility, accuracy, improve the quality of products. 2.Mold fixing by Drawer Design. Push the mold, fix the positioning screws. Mold changeover work can be easily done in half hour. 3.Efficiency Constant Temperature Oven: a.The most advanced high frequency Infrared Lamp, increase heating efficiency 30%-50%. b.Each layer of lamp are separately controlled, with assistant ruler on machine. c.Intelligent temperature control system. Temperature detector feedback to PLC automatically, PLC makes accurate judgment and then control circulation air in oven. It leads to constant temperature in Oven, free from voltage fluctuations and ambient temperature. It works when large ambient temperature difference (-28~45 ℃). d.Preform self-rotation System, ensure every side of every preforms are heated evenly, which ensure quality of blown bottle. e.Neck Cooling in Oven. Preform Necks are cooled by recycling water, which avoid neck deformation.
Stretch System: Servo motor precisely controls the movement of stretch rods, and the accuracy can reach 1 mm. According to the adjustment of the bottle type, greatly improve the blowing adjusting process of flexibility, accuracy, improve the quality of products. 2.Mold fixing by Drawer Design. Push the mold, fix the positioning screws. Mold changeover work can be easily done in half hour. 3.Efficiency Constant Temperature Oven: a.The most advanced high frequency Infrared Lamp, increase heating efficiency 30%-50%. b.Each layer of lamp are separately controlled, with assistant ruler on machine. c.Intelligent temperature control system. Temperature detector feedback to PLC automatically, PLC makes accurate judgment and then control circulation air in oven. It leads to constant temperature in Oven, free from voltage fluctuations and ambient temperature. It works when large ambient temperature difference (-28~45 ℃). d.Preform self-rotation System, ensure every side of every preforms are heated evenly, which ensure quality of blown bottle. e.Neck Cooling in Oven. Preform Necks are cooled by recycling water, which avoid neck deformation.

details Images

Preform Feeding Preform System

Fingunt Clamping System

Preform Transfer Servo

Stretch Servo

Advanced high frequency Infrared Heaters upgrade the heating efficiency 30%-50%

3 Heating Zones ensure preform efficient heated

Tactus screen pro facili operatione

Alta speculativa potentia scrinium
Project flow Chart

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Utimur bulla bulla et velum involventes ad sarcinas, quae tuta sunt in continente. Nos quoque causam sarcinam ligneam sustinemus.
Secundum translationem varias optiones habemus ut mare, aerem, terram et exprimunt.
Secundum translationem varias optiones habemus ut mare, aerem, terram et exprimunt.
Turba Profile

WATON is a professional manufacturer of two-step straight line full electric high-speed PET blowing machine, located in Taizhou,Zhejiang Province. The team has more than 20 years of production practice experience, after years of research and development and improvement, TURBO series high-speed full servo automatic blowing machine single cavity output reached 1700 bottles per hour.
Product models are complete, suitable for a variety of different needs of customers.


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Post venditionesque munus offerimus
1. Inquisitio tua ad productum & pretium relatum intra 72 horas respondebitur. 2. Baculus bene doctus & peritus respondebit omnibus tuis quaestionibus Anglice et Sinice. 3. Operationis tempus: 8:30am ~5:30pm, Lunae ad Sabbatum. 4. Negotium tuum cum nobis intimum erit cuilibet tertiae parti. 5. Munus bonum post venditionesque oblatum, quaeso, ad nos redire si interrogationes quaesisti.
Q1: negotiatus es fabrica aut cuneum
A: fabrica ex Taizhou sumus, ergo optimam qualitatem et optimum machinae pretium tibi offerre possumus.
Q2: Quid est pignus vel warantiam qualitatis, si emimus machinas tuas?
A2: Machinae qualitates altae tibi offerimus cum quale post servitium. Item habemus duos annos parcium parcium ad warantum partium gratis.
Q3: Quid prodest servo imperium?
A3: 1. Subtilitas 2. Fast reactionem, celeritatem fieri 3. Maximum potentia consummatio 4. Minimum sonitus 5. hygiene, sine problema oleum lacus
Q4: Habesne technicam sustentationem postquam emimus tuas machinas?
A4: Nos technicam professionem nostram disponemus ut navigio ad officinam tuam pergamus, te adiuvabunt et docebunt te quomodo machinas quas emisti instituere et sustentare possis. Vel adiuva ut machinam figere cum difficultates habet.
Q5: Possumne te visitare officinam tuam et mitto equos discendi et inspiciendi?
A5: Ita, cave. Optime te docebimus quomodo machina utaris. Grata ad officinam nostram visitandam!
Q6: Quae commoda tua sunt?
A6: I. Stabulae cursus machinae technicae nuper technologiae, pretium competitive; 1. summo gradu technica auxilium 2. optimum ac promptum officium
Q7: Ubi sita est officina tua? Quomodo ibi visitare possumus?
A7: Nostra officina sita est in Tai Zhou urbem, Zhe Jiang provinciae, Sinis. Ex Shanghai ad urbem nostram, 3.5hrs per agmen capit, 45minorum ab aere.
Q8: Quod est opus tuum stipare?
A8: Propter suffimenta nova praescripta, machinas cinematographicas bullae et pelliculas involvimus. Sarcina tuta est in vase. Causam ligneam etiam facere possumus. Nonnulli regiones pro casu ligneo suffitu requirunt. Patriae postulatio pendet.
Q9: Quando possum machina mea postquam solvi?
A9: Tempus partus est de 30-45 diebus ferialibus.
Q10:Does the machines & water dispenser have any certificates?
A10:Yes, CE certificate.