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MS Semi-auto Canite CUMATIUM Machina

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Nice Quality Small Blow Moulding Machine Semi Automatic PET Bottle Making Machine Plastic Bottle Blower Blowing Machines

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The Nice Quality Small Blow Molding Machine Semi-Automatic PET Bottle Making Machine Plastic Bottle Blower Blowing Machines by WATON is a fantastic option for anyone in need of a reliable and efficient bottle making machine. With its compact size and semi-automated operation, this machine is perfect for small to medium scale bottle production.


Constructed with high-quality materials and components, this blow Molding machine is built to last. It features a sturdy frame that ensures maximum stability during the blow Molding process. The machine is also equipped with a high-quality PET bottle making mold and a reliable heating system that ensures precise temperature control throughout the process.


Optimus res circa WATON blow Molding machine is its ease of use. It is designed to be user-friendly, with clear instructions and simple controls that allow for easy operation, even for new users. The machine is also low-maintenance, making it a great option for those looking for a machine that won't require constant attention and upkeep.


In terms of performance, the WATON blow Molding machine is top-notch. It is capable of producing up to 800 bottles per hour, making it a great option for businesses and individuals in need of fast and efficient production. The machine also produces high-quality bottles with a consistent shape and thickness, ensuring a professional look and feel for your products.


Another great feature of the WATON blow Molding machine is its versatility. It can be used to produce a variety of PET bottles, including water bottles, juice bottles, carbonated drink bottles, and more. Whether you're producing bottles for personal or commercial use, this machine has you covered.


depictio producti
Nice Quality Small Blow Moulding Machine Semi Automatic PET Bottle Making Machine Plastic Bottle Blower Blowing Machines factory
Capacitas theoretica
700-1000 BPH
Fingunt cavitates
Location colli
18 ~ mm 38
Max. Magnitudo
2 sextarius
Suitable for various PET bottles from 100ml to 2L, wide range of application. Infrared heaters, independently adjustable, simple structure, stable running.
MS Series is traditional model of Semi-automatic Stretch-Blow Molding Machine. Each set of MS Series machine is composed by two parts: Bottle Blower and Infrared Preform Oven. Suitable for various PET bottles from 100ml to 2L, wide range of application. Infrared heaters, independently adjustable, simple structure, stable running.
Ad usum directionis
1. Nostras technicas professionales disponemus ut navigio ad officinam tuam pergamus, te adiuvabunt et docebunt quomodo machinas quas emisti instituere et sustentare valebis. Vel adiuva ut machinam figere cum difficultates habet.

2. Librum instructionem ad te mittemus ut machinam instituas. Loqui potes cum fabro nostro per chat vel video fabrum transmarinas ad auxilium te mittemus.

Nice Quality Small Blow Moulding Machine Semi Automatic PET Bottle Making Machine Plastic Bottle Blower Blowing Machines factory
Nice Quality Small Blow Moulding Machine Semi Automatic PET Bottle Making Machine Plastic Bottle Blower Blowing Machines manufacture
  • Descriptio effectus applicationis

WATON Machinaria aptissima machinae exempla designat secundum specialia clientium requisita, vasis DELICIA ex 100ml~20L, inclusa sarcina pro aqua, potus carbonatus mollis, sucus, lac, oleum eduli, cerevisia, cibus solidus, medicamina, etc.
detailed Images
Singulae copiae ex machinae MS Series duabus partibus compositae sunt: ​​Bottle Blower et Preform Oven infrared. Harum duarum partium munus est; Infrared Preform Oven DELICIUM calefacere, aptam molli conditione ad flatum aptare;
CERAULA do the whole bottle blowing process, including sealing, stretching, blowing, exhausting and blow mold’s moving, which is controlled by advanced PLC control system. Patentes Ictu Aeris Calefactio System & Pre-ictu Function plays important role for producing high quality bottles, eliminate bottle whiten appearance.
Nice Quality Small Blow Moulding Machine Semi Automatic PET Bottle Making Machine Plastic Bottle Blower Blowing Machines details
Facultas theoretica (BPH)
800, 1~ 000, XNUMX
1, 400~ 2, 000
350 ~ 400
700 ~ 800
60 ~ 240
Fingunt cavitates
Max. Neck Size

Max. Magnitudo
Maximilianus. Diameter
Max. altitudo
Main Machina Location
* * 1680 950 1980mm
1 machina principalis
* * 1900 650 1580mm
* * 1900 800 1580mm
* * 2500 800 1900mm
Aquarium Heater Location
* * 1650 700 1700mm
VIII calefacientis
* * 2100 600 1350mm
* * 2100 600 1350mm
* * 2600 700 1580mm
Pelagus Machina Pondus
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Nice Quality Small Blow Moulding Machine Semi Automatic PET Bottle Making Machine Plastic Bottle Blower Blowing Machines factory
Nice Quality Small Blow Moulding Machine Semi Automatic PET Bottle Making Machine Plastic Bottle Blower Blowing Machines manufacture
Nice Quality Small Blow Moulding Machine Semi Automatic PET Bottle Making Machine Plastic Bottle Blower Blowing Machines details
Nice Quality Small Blow Moulding Machine Semi Automatic PET Bottle Making Machine Plastic Bottle Blower Blowing Machines details
Post Sales Service
Nice Quality Small Blow Moulding Machine Semi Automatic PET Bottle Making Machine Plastic Bottle Blower Blowing Machines details
Post venditionesque munus offerimus
1. Inquisitio tua ad productum & pretium nostrum intra 72 horas respondebitur. 2. Baculus bene exercitatus & peritus respondebit omnibus tuis inquisitionibus Anglice et Sinice. 3. Laborandi tempus: 8: 30am ~5: 30pm, Lunae ad Sabbatum. 4. Negotium tuum cum nobis intimum erit cuilibet tertiae parti. 5. Munus post venditionesque bene oblatum, quaeso, ad nos redire, si quaesisti.
The Company
        WATON Machinery fabrica professio est duorum-graduum linearium plenus-electrici summus celeritate automatic PET utrem ictu machinae fingens, sita in urbe Taizhou, Provincia Zhejiang. Turma nostra XX annorum experientiam in PET proten Canite machina fabricandi. Cum constitutio, crediti sumus ut particeps fidelis et certa sit, cum magna efficacia, humilis industria consummatio, operatio stabilis instrumenti et operae praestantiae. Munus nostrum offer in: √Automatic/Semi-auto Electric PET Canite Machina CUMATICA √Turnkey solutio pro PET utrem productionis linea √In-linea ministerium pro PET utrem lineae productionis & lineam implendi.
Nice Quality Small Blow Moulding Machine Semi Automatic PET Bottle Making Machine Plastic Bottle Blower Blowing Machines supplier
Nice Quality Small Blow Moulding Machine Semi Automatic PET Bottle Making Machine Plastic Bottle Blower Blowing Machines manufacture
Nice Quality Small Blow Moulding Machine Semi Automatic PET Bottle Making Machine Plastic Bottle Blower Blowing Machines manufacture

Ain fortitudo nostra & Services

 1. Machinae cursus stabilis cum technologia nuper technica, pretio competitive;
 2. top rank technical support;
 3. Best and prompt service.
Q1: negotiatus es fabrica aut cuneum A: We are the manufacturer from Taizhou, so we can offer you the best quality and best price of the machine. Q2: Quid est pignus vel warantiam qualitatis, si emimus machinas tuas? A2: Machinae qualitates altae tibi offerimus cum quale post servitium. Item habemus duos annos parcium parcium ad warantum partium gratis. Q3: Quid prodest servo imperium? A3: 1. Precision        2. Fast reaction, make high speed possible        3. Low power consumption        4. Low noise        5. hygiene, without oil leakage problem  Q4: Habesne technicam sustentationem postquam emimus tuas machinas? A4: Nos technicam professionem nostram disponemus ut navigio ad officinam tuam pergamus, te adiuvabunt et docebunt te quomodo machinas quas emisti instituere et sustentare possis. Vel adiuva ut machinam figere cum difficultates habet. Q5: Quid post-venditio muneris societatem vestram praebet? 1. Your inquiry related to our product & price will be replied within 72 hours. 2. Well-trained & experienced staff will answer all your inquiries in English and Chinese. 3. Working time: 8: 30am ~5: 30pm, Monday to Saturday. 4. Your business relationship with us will be confidential to any third party. 5. Good after-sales service offered, please get back to us if you got any questions. Q6: Can I visit your factory and send team for learning and inspect? A6: Yes, sure. We will do our best to teaching you how to use the machine. welcome to visit our factory! Q7: Quae commoda tua sunt? A7: 1. Stable running machines with newly technology, competitive price; 2. top rank technical support  3. Best and prompt serviceQ8: Ubi sita est officina tua? Quomodo ibi visitare possumus? A8: Nostra officina sita est in Tai Zhou urbem, Zhe Jiang provinciae, Sinis. Ex Shanghai ad urbem nostram, 3.5hrs per agmen capit, 45minorum ab aere. Q9: Quod est opus tuum stipare? A9: Propter suffimenta nova praescripta, machinas cinematographicas bullae et pelliculas involvimus. Sarcina tuta est in vase. Causam ligneam etiam facere possumus. Nonnulli regiones pro casu ligneo suffitu requirunt. Patriae postulatio pendet. Q10: Quando possum machina mea postquam solvi? A10: tempus partus est de 30-45 diebus ferialibus

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