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High speed automatic 9 cavity blow molding machine

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High speed automatic 9 cavity blow molding machine details
High speed automatic 9 cavity blow molding machine factory
High speed automatic 9 cavity blow molding machine
TURBO-9S 9 cavities linear full-auto stretch blow molding machine, is an full electric high speed PET blow molding machine independently developed by Waton Machinery. It can produce all kinds of bottles below 750 ml, including food packaging bottles, edible oil bottles, soda and mineral water bottles, fruit juice bottles, wine bottles, cosmetics bottles and so on.
High speed automatic 9 cavity blow molding machine supplier
●1.Full Servo control main strctures:Feediing, Shifting, Clamping, Stretching. Preform Feeding Systerm:high speed and precisely positioning; Preform Transfer Systerm:double the speed of preform moving, overall simplified motion. Mold Clamping Systerm:reaction time is reduced to 50%, simple structure, long use life; Streth Systerm: Servo Motor precisely control, flexible adjustment improves bottle quality. ●2.Advanced PTO Systerm(Pulse/Train/Output Servo Positioning Module)work on high speed positioning, with higher speed, higher noise immunity and precise positioning. ●3.High speed, stable, low noise, 500ml production 6-cavity model capacity 10,000BPH, 9-cavity model 13,000BPH.
High speed automatic 9 cavity blow molding machine details
machina Model
Productio Capacity (BPH)
Maximilianus. Utrem Location
750 ml
Bottle Neck Size
18 38mm,
Maximilianus. Utrem Diameter
Maximilianus. Utrem Height
Mold Cavity Pitch 
Fingunt cavitatem
9 cavitates
Generalis Imperii
ictu Air
2.5 - 4.0 MPa
Coegi Air
0.8 - 1.2 MPa
Main Apparatus Dimensiones
XXV * * XII mm LXX
Preform-Unscrambler Dimensions
* * Mm 1400 800 3030
Auto-loader Dimensions
* * Mm 1160 1600 3300
Pelagus Machina Pondus
High speed automatic 9 cavity blow molding machine supplier
WATON Machinery est professional fabrica of PET bottle blow molding machine, located in Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province. WATON with independent research and development team, Quality Control team, Personnel with postgraduate degree.

Nostra technica quadrigis has quam annis 20 experientiam productionis ac technologiam domi militiaeque provectae haurit. Post annos investigationis, progressionis et emendationis, WATON Machinaria complura exempla machinae maturae possidebat ut cum clientibus differentia postulationis occurreret, potest utres PET ab 20ml ad 20L fac cum capacitate ad utres 13,000 per horam.

Machina nostra ad plusquam viginti regiones circum orbem terrarum exportata est, inclusis US, Europe, Australia, Mid-east, Indonesia, Thailand, Africa, etc.
High speed automatic 9 cavity blow molding machine details
High speed automatic 9 cavity blow molding machine factory
High speed automatic 9 cavity blow molding machine manufacture
High speed automatic 9 cavity blow molding machine manufacture
High speed automatic 9 cavity blow molding machine supplier
High speed automatic 9 cavity blow molding machine supplier
High speed automatic 9 cavity blow molding machine manufacture

Q1: Ubi sita est officina tua? Quomodo ibi visitabo? A1: Our factory is located in Shangnian Industrial Area, Huang Yan, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, China. All our clients, from home or abroad, are warmly welcome to visit us! From Shanghai to our city, it takes 3.5 hrs by train, 45 mins by air. Q2: Quousque tempus praestat? A2: Omnes fructus ad duos annos warantizandum habent. Q3: Quomodo possum machinam meam installare cum advenit? A3: Ingenium nostrum ad latus tuum mittemus quamprimum omnia machinis tuis parata, ad probandos et docendos technicos tuos machinis currere. Q4: Quousque partus tempus est? A4: Sub condicionibus normalibus, producti intra dies 45 operantes traditi sunt. Q5: Where is the Shipping discessum portum? A5: Ningbo vel shanghai portum. Q6: What’s the payment? A6: T/T, L/C, Unio occidentalis, Tininitus. Q7: Quae sunt principalis notam electrica components? A7: Partes principales in productis veniunt ex clarissimi mundi artifices ut Mitsubishi, Schneider, Omron etc. Q8: Quod terra tibi iam machinis export tuum? A8: We have exported Blow Molding Machine to USA, Canada, Australia, Mexico, Russia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietam, Africa, the Middle East area etc. Q9. What products does your company offer by yourself? A9: Nos specialiter in PET Canite Machina, PET Canite Mold, cursorem calidum Preform Mold. Q10: Quomodo machinae qualitatem? A10: WATON positae sunt qualitates quaestiones, qualitatem temperantiae ab initio ad finem, et machinam stricte ante sarcinam et partum probabimus.

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