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Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price

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The Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price is an advanced production unit that is specifically designed for manufacturing plastic bottles of different sizes. The product is made by the popular brand WATON, which is known for providing quality machines that are highly efficient and reliable.


This beverage PET bottle making machine is fully automatic, meaning that it requires minimal human intervention. This feature not only saves time but also ensures that every plastic bottle produced meets the required standard of quality. Moreover, the machine's automatic system makes it easy to operate, even for beginners.


The Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price is suitable for producing plastic bottles for a range of liquids, including water, juice, and carbonated drinks (CSD). The machine can also make bottles of different sizes, which makes it an ideal solution for businesses that need varied bottle sizes.


The machine uses stretch blow molding technology, which results in better-quality plastic bottles that are durable and have a smooth finish. Additionally, the machine is designed to produce a high volume of bottles per hour, making it suitable for businesses that require large-scale production.


The Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price is made using high-quality materials that are durable and resistant to wear and tear. The machine is also easy to maintain, which ensures that downtime is minimized and production is not disrupted.


The price of the machine is reasonable, making it affordable for small and medium-sized businesses. The machine's compact size also means that it can be easily installed in limited space, making it an ideal solution for businesses with limited factory space

depictio producti
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price details
Capacitas theoretica
Fingunt cavitates
Location colli
18 38mm,
Max. Magnitudo
High productivity; easy to operate; long time after-sale service
Model ECO-2L Automatic Stretch-blow Machine is newly designed and reformed on previous experience of our manufacture. Main feature of this model: 1. Servo motor controls the preform stepping motion; 2. Compact with 2 cavities, center distance 139.7mm; 3. Newly high efficiency Ruby Heaters; 4. It is an ideal equipment to make different-shaped containers, such as mineral water bottle, beverage bottle, cosmetics bottle, medicine bottle, pesticide bottle, edible-oil bottle, wine bottle, milk bottle, etc. With reasonable investment and high efficiency, it helps you raise production and save energy
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price factory
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price details
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price manufacture
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price manufacture
Ad usum directionis
1. Nostras technicas professionales disponemus ut navigio ad officinam tuam pergamus, te adiuvabunt et docebunt quomodo machinas quas emisti instituere et sustentare valebis. Aut auxilium figere machina cum difficultates habet

2. Librum instructionem ad te mittemus ut machinam instituas. Loqui potes cum fectum nostrum per chat vel video fabrum transmarinas mittemus ad auxilium te

Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price manufacture
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price details
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price factory
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price manufacture
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price factory
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price details
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price factory
WATON Machinaria aptissima machinae exempla designat secundum specialia clientium requisita, vasis deliciae ex 200ml~20L aptissima, inclusa sarcina pro aqua, potus carbonatus mollis, sucus, lac, oleum eduli, cerevisia, cibus solidus, medicamina, pharmaceutica, etc.
detailed Images
1. Upgrade ut Servo Motor Drive
-Preform Pascentium System
-Preform serie Ratio
2. Fine Details customized design
-Mold fixed by Drawer Design. Aluminum mold changeover work can be easily done in half hour
-Preform Feeding & Transfer Chains adopts composite Nylon polymer, which is light, wear resistant and without deformation
-The most advanced high frequency Infrared Heaters upgrade the heating efficiency 30%-50%
-Intelligent temperature control system. It works when large ambient temperature difference, -28~45℃
3. Top qualitas partium, stabilis effectus
-HMI(Human Machine Interface), overall computer control, easy to operate
-Independent operation station, more flexible to arrange operating positions. Far away from Heating Area, safe
-Multi-point photoelectric detection, protect Positioning System, Clamping System and Stretch System
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price supplier
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price supplier
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price supplier
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price factory
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price supplier
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price factory

Facultas theoretica (BPH)

1,800 ~ 2,400
4,600 ~ 5,000
3,600 ~ 5,000
6,000 ~ 7,000
5,000 ~ 6,000
Fingunt cavitates

Location colli
18 38mm,
18 38mm,
18 38mm,
18 38mm,
18 38mm,

Max. Magnitudo

Maximilianus. Diameter

Max. altitudo
calefacientis qty

Area heating


Rated Power
Pressura Aeris Consummatio (m3 / min)

Main Machina Location

* * 3000 1800 2400mm
* * 3300 2000 2200mm
* * 4200 2100 2400mm
* * 4200 2050 2200mm
* * 5800 2150 2400mm
Pelagus Machina Pondus

Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price supplier
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price supplier
Stipare Shipping &
Because of the new provisions on fumigation, we pack machines with bubble film and wrap film. It is safe pack in container. We can also do wooden case. Some countries require fumigation for wooden case. It depends on your country’s requirement
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price factory
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price supplier
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price supplier
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price supplier
Post Sales Service
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price details
Post venditionesque munus offerimus

1. Inquisitio tua ad productum & pretium nostrum intra 72 horas respondebitur.

2. Baculus bene exercitatus & peritus respondebit omnibus tuis inquisitionibus Anglice et Sinice.

3. Operationis tempus: 8:30am ~5:30pm, Lunae ad Sabbatum.

4. Negotium tuum cum nobis intimum erit cuilibet tertiae parti.

5. Bonum post venditiones munus oblatum, nobis redde, si quaslibet quaestiones quaesisti

The Company
        WATON Machinery fabrica professio est duorum-graduum linearium plenus-electrici summus celeritate automatic PET utrem ictu machinae fingens, sita in urbe Taizhou, Provincia Zhejiang. Turma nostra XX annorum experientiam in PET proten Canite machina fabricandi. Cum constitutio, crediti sumus ut particeps fidelis et certa sit, cum magna efficacia, humilis industria consummatio, operatio stabilis instrumenti et operae praestantiae. Munus nostrum offer in: √Automatic/Semi-auto Electric PET Canite Machina CUMATICA Turnkey solutionem pro PET utrem productionis linea √In-linea opera pro PET utrem productio linea & linea implens
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price details
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price details
Full Automatic Plastic Water Juice CSD Beverage PET Bottle Blowing Making Machine Stretch Blow Molding Plant Price factory

Ain fortitudo nostra & Services

Firstly, we manufacture and supply Blow Molding Machine with good quality and reasonable price
Secondly, we offer turnkey solution. We offer complete line equipment including accessories machines
Thirdly, we offer bottle design service for free. Leave message or an email to us, we will do our best

Q1: tune es fabrica vel negotiatione comitatu

A: fabrica ex Taizhou sumus, ergo optimam qualitatem et optimum machinae pretium tibi offerre possumus.

 Q2: Quid est pignus vel warantiam qualitatis, si emimus machinis tuis?

A2: Machinae qualitates altae tibi offerimus cum quale post servitium. Item habemus duos annos parcium parcium ad warantum partium gratis.

 Q3: Quid prodest servo imperium

A3: 1. Subtilitas

       2. Fast reactionem, celeritatem fieri 3. Maximum potentia consummatio 4. Minimum sonitus 5. hygiene, sine problemati lacus oleum

 Q4, technicam habes machinis postquam emimus

A4: Nos technicam professionem nostram disponemus ut navigio ad officinam tuam pergamus, te adiuvabunt et docebunt te quomodo machinas quas emisti instituere et sustentare possis. Vel adiuva ut machinam figere cum difficultates habet.

 Q5: Quid post-sales ministerium tuum comitatu offert

1. Inquisitio tua ad productum & pretium nostrum intra 72 horas respondebitur.

2. Baculus bene exercitatus & peritus respondebit omnibus tuis inquisitionibus Anglice et Sinice. 3. Operationis tempus: 8:30am ~5:30pm, Lunae ad Sabbatum. 4. Negotium tuum cum nobis ad tertiam partem alicui secreto erit. 5. Bonum post venditiones munus oblatum, nobis redde, si quaslibet quaestiones quaesisti

Q6: Possumne te visitare officinam et mittere equos in doctrina et inspicere

A6: Ita certe. Optime faciemus ut te doceam quomodo utaris machina.welcome ad officinam nostram visitandam! 

 Q7 quid commoda tua

A7: I. Stabulae cursus machinae technicae nuper technologiae, pretium competitive;

       2. summo gradu technica auxilium 3. optimum ac promptum officium

 Q8: Ubi sita est officina tua? Quomodo visitare possumus ibi

A8: Nostra officina sita est in Tai Zhou urbem, Zhe Jiang provinciae, Sinis. Ex Shanghai ad urbem nostram, 3.5hrs per agmen capit, 45minorum ab aere.

 Q9: Quod est opus tuum verba stipare

A9: Propter suffimenta nova praescripta, machinas cinematographicas bullae et pelliculas involvimus. Sarcina tuta est in vase. Causam ligneam etiam facere possumus. Nonnulli regiones pro casu ligneo suffitu requirunt. Patriae postulatio pendet.

 Q10: cum possum mihi apparatus postquam solvit

A10: tempus partus est de 30-45 diebus ferialibus

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