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MS Semi-auto Canite CUMATIUM Machina

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Factory direct 750ml plastic bottle manufacturing machine

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WATON is a leading brand in the market for manufacturing machines, and their latest product is the Factory Direct 750ml Plastic Bottle Manufacturing Machine. This world-class machine is designed to produce high-quality plastic bottles quickly and efficiently, making it an ideal choice for businesses that require a large quantity of bottles on a regular basis.


The process of manufacturing plastic bottles using this machine is simple and straightforward, thanks to its user-friendly interface. The process starts when the raw materials, mainly plastic pellets, are fed into the machine hopper. The pellets are then melted down and formed into a bottle shape using a mold. Once the bottle shape is formed, the machine will cool and solidify the plastic, resulting in a finished bottle that can be used for a wide range of purposes.


One of the key advantages of this bottle manufacturing machine is its versatility. It can be used to produce a wide range of plastic bottle sizes, up to 750ml. This makes it a suitable option for businesses that require different bottle sizes to cater to the needs of their customers.


The Factory Direct 750ml Plastic Bottle Manufacturing Machine is designed with durability in mind. It is made using high-quality materials, ensuring that it can withstand the rigors of regular use and last for many years. Additionally, the machine is designed to be easy to maintain, reducing the risk of breakdowns and production delays.


WATON's manufacturing machine is ideal for businesses that want to cut down on their production costs. The machine is designed to consume minimal energy while still delivering robust performance, resulting in significant savings on energy costs. Additionally, it has a high production rate, allowing businesses to produce more bottles within a shorter time.


Another significant advantage of this machine is its ability to create bottles with uniform shapes and sizes. This is important for businesses that want to maintain their brand image and ensure their products look professional. The machine is also equipped with advanced safety features, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries in the workplace

Factory direct 750ml plastic bottle manufacturing machine factory
Factory direct 750ml plastic bottle manufacturing machine details
Factory direct 750ml plastic bottle manufacturing machine
MS-2L2 Semi-Automatic Stretch Blow Molding Machine Blower is the most stable two-step semi-automatic PET stretch-blow molding machine, it could be 1-cavity for maximum 5L bottle or 2 cavities for below 3L. It can blow bottles in various shapes: carbonated, mineral, pesticide, hot-filling, cosmetics, wide-mouth, and other PET packing containers
Factory direct 750ml plastic bottle manufacturing machine manufacture
●1. High quality: controlled by intelligent Touch Screen & PLC system ●2. Suitable for wide neck jar production ●3. Capacity:700-1000BPH with 2 cavity ●4. Protection sensors ensure operator’s safe: once any object / hand above the mold area, Mold Closing erit prohibere
●5. Low cost: low consumption of electricity, air ●6. Easy maintenance, absolute safety, low noise
Factory direct 750ml plastic bottle manufacturing machine details
machina Model
Productio Capacity (BPH)
Maximilianus. Utrem Location
3000 ml
Maximilianus. Utrem Diameter
105 mm
Maximilianus. Utrem Height
360 mm
Fingunt cavitatem
2 cavitates
Mold Clamping Force
66.48 recla KN,
Mold Opening Stock
270 mm
Mould Thickness
120-200 mm
Mould Width X Height
340 340 mm X mm
Preform Neck
28-60 mm
Preform Length
Generalis Imperii
ictu Air
2.6 - 3.0 MPa
Coegi Air
0.8 - 1.0 MPa
Main Apparatus Dimensiones
* * Mm 1650 650 1700
Clibano Dimensiones
* * Mm 1700 850 1350
Pelagus Machina Pondus
820 KGS
Oven Weight
250 KGS
Factory direct 750ml plastic bottle manufacturing machine manufacture
WATON Machinery est professional fabrica PET utrem ictu machinae, sita in Taizhou urbe, provinciae Zhejiang. WATON cum investigationibus independens et quadrigis evolutionis, Quality team imperium, personas cum gradu postgraduato

Nostra technica quadrigis has quam annis 20 experientiam productionis ac technologiam domi militiaeque provectae haurit. Post annos investigationis, progressionis et emendationis, WATON Machinaria complura exempla machinae maturae possidebat ut cum clientibus differentia postulationis occurreret, potest make PET bottles from 20ml to 20L, with capacity up to 13,000 bottles per hour

Machina nostra ad plusquam viginti regiones circum orbem terrarum exportata est, inclusis US, Europa, Australia, Medius oriens, Indonesia, Thailandia, Africa, etc
Factory direct 750ml plastic bottle manufacturing machine manufacture
Factory direct 750ml plastic bottle manufacturing machine factory
Factory direct 750ml plastic bottle manufacturing machine manufacture
Factory direct 750ml plastic bottle manufacturing machine supplier
Factory direct 750ml plastic bottle manufacturing machine supplier
Factory direct 750ml plastic bottle manufacturing machine supplier
Factory direct 750ml plastic bottle manufacturing machine factory

Q1: Ubi sita est officina tua? Quomodo possum visitare ibi

A1: Nostra officina sita est in Shangnian Industrial Area, Huang Yan, Taizhou urbem, Zhejiang Provinciam, China. Omnes clientes nostri, e domo vel foris, benigne nos visitant! Ex Shanghai ad urbem nostram, capit 3.5 mins per agmen, 45 min per aerem

Q2: Quousque tempus praestat?

A2: Omnes products habent duos annos warantum

Q3: Quomodo possum machinam meam install cum venerit?

A3: Ingenium nostrum ad latus tuum mittemus quamprimum omnia machinis tuis parata, ad probandos et docendos technicos tuos machinis currere.

Q4: Quousque partus tempus est?


Q5: Ubi est discessum Shipping Portus

A5: Ningbo vel Shanghai portum

Q6: Quid solucionis

A6: T/T, L/C, Unionis occidentalis, Tininitus

Q7: Quae sunt principalis notam electrica components

A7: Partes principales in re producta veniunt ex clarissimi mundi artifices ut Mitsubishi, Schneider, Omron etc.

Q8: Quod terra tibi machinis iam export tuum

A8: Ictu machinam CUMATIUM exportavimus in USA, Canadam, Australiam, Mexicum, Russiam, Thailandiam, Indonesia, Vietam, Africam, in area Medio Oriente etc.

Q9. Quod products tuus turba offer a te ipso

A9: Nos specialiter in PET Canite Machina, PET Canite Mold, currens PET Preform Mold

Q10: quomodo de qualitate machinae

A10: WATON positi sunt in qualitates quaestiones, qualitates temperantiae ab initio ad finem, et machinam stricte ante sarcinam et partum probabimus.

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