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Introducing the small plastic injection molding machine, a top-notch product that offers an efficient and affordable solution for all your plastic molding needs. This machine is designed to cater to small businesses that are looking to streamline their production process without having to break the bank.
The WATON small plastic injection molding machine is compact in size, making it easy to fit into any workspace. You won't need to clear out an entire room to accommodate this machine; it's small enough to fit on any tabletop. It's also lightweight, which makes it easy to move around as needed.
The WATON small plastic injection molding machine is easy to use, even for those who are new to plastic molding. It comes equipped with an intuitive interface that anyone can understand. Plus, the WATON machine is designed to be durable, so it can withstand frequent use.
One of the best things about the WATON small plastic injection molding machine is its affordability. This machine is priced significantly lower than any other machine in its class, making it a great option for small businesses on a tight budget. And just because it's cheap doesn't mean it's not effective. This machine delivers quality results every time.
In addition to its affordability, the WATON small plastic injection molding machine is also eco-friendly. It's designed to minimize waste, which helps to reduce your business's carbon footprint. Plus, the machine uses very little energy, which means it won't add much to your utility bills.
The WATON small plastic injection molding machine is perfect for businesses that need to produce small quantities of plastic products. Whether you're making toys, automotive parts, or any other type of plastic product, this machine has got you covered. It's easy to operate, affordable, and eco-friendly, making it a great choice for businesses of all sizes.
fabrica | Item | model | B | |
Iniectio Fabrica | stupra diameter | mm | 35 | |
Screw L/D ratio | L / D | 20 | ||
Theoretical iecit volumen | cm3 | 154 | ||
Iniectio pondus | g | 144 | ||
iniectio pressura | Mpa | 179 | ||
Screw speed range | r / min | 0 ~ 180 | ||
Facere-sursum Fabrica | clamping vis | KN | 900 | |
Alvi inter alios vectes | mm | 360 × 360 | ||
Foramen plaga | mm | 320 | ||
Max. Mould height | mm | 360 | ||
Min. Mould herght | mm | 150 | ||
Vi ejector | KN | 31 | ||
Plaga ejector | mm | 100 | ||
other | Sentinam potestatem | KW | 9 | |
calefactivam | KW | 6.5 | ||
Oleum facultatem cisternina | L | 160 | ||
machina pondus | t | 3.1 | ||
Pondus dimensio | mmm | 4.2 × × 1.1 1.7 |
1 Clamping Unit
High rigidity mold platen with enlarged space between tie bar, fit for larger scope of the molds.
Triple secured protection in Mechnical, electrical, hydraulic Systems.
Finge platen cum utraque T-slot & fingunt foramina adscendentes ad varias formas institutiones.
Magna movens mori plaga leni & veloci motu.
Four-stage control for pressure, speed, position to lock & open the platen.
Automatic ratio lubricationis centralised.
Forma calces moderans oleum motore acti.
Electric princeps ad apertam/proximam formam & ejectionem.
Automatic compages temperatio.
Adjustable movens platen labens pedibus.
I Imperium Unit
excellent computer with rapid response, interactive interface.
Dolium temperatum deviationis ordinate automatice.
Multiplex unitas plasticae corona data memoriae ratio.
Insignis notam electricum principale electricum electricum machinis electricis effectum tutius efficit.
Monitores reales tempestivi varias actiones & admonitionem latae sententiae de suis defectibus.
Clamp, injection, ejection action can choose linear Displacement sensor for its control.
Data pro munimento seram parametri.
Motor salutis fabrica tutelae.
III Iniectio Unit
Cylindri geminae infusionis ratio.
Princeps Aureus oleum motoricum directe agit cochleam ad prae-iniectionem perficiendam.
Specificae cochleae & dolii consilia praesto sunt ad varias materiales requisita dispensandas ad qualitatem producendam.
Multiple-stage control for pressure, speed, position to inject, keep pressure, charge material.
Iniectio deprehensio po- ditionis.
Anti-frigus initium (ne) cochleae.
3-Modo raeda receptum modus.
Anti- fluere retrorsum fabrica cochleae.
Retro pressus expers.
COLLUM ordinatio fabrica.
4 Hydraulica Unita
Excelsa capacitas feedback valvae proportionalis moderans pressionem & fluxum, stabilitatem & celeritatem sensitivum altum.
Main hydraulic components with famous brand, ensuring stable qulity of the machine.
Minimum sonitus & celeri responsionis oleum sentinam ratio.
Adopt the cooling water flow distributor, controlling the cooling temperature easily.
Summus subtilitas suctionis Colum.
Terrorem oleum temperatum deviationis exercet.
Cras eget massa urna.
1. How to send my enquiry?
Contactus nobis potes per inscriptio, telephonum vocatio, Instant Viator (Whats APP, Nos Chat, Skype).
2. How long can I get feedback after enquiry?
Respondebimus tibi intra 10hrs in die operantes.
3. Where is your factory located? How can I visit there?
Nostra officina sita est in Huang Yan, Tai Zhou urbem, Zhe Jiang provinciae, Sinis. Fuga ex Shanghai (una hora), Guang Zhou (2 hrs) et Shen Zhen (2 hrs) ad urbem nostram. Proverbium a Shanghai ad urbem nostram 4 hrs est. Grata nostra officina visitare.
4. Delivery time
Machinarum ordinem fingit & XXX diebus post pre- solutionem sumit. Preforre iussus dependet a qty. Venditio disquisitionis placet.
5. What is the package? Is it suitable for shipment?
Machinae ligneo casu vexillo stipatae erunt. Valde fortis est ad translationem transmarinam. Commodo accumsan lobortis duplex vexillum referta sunt.
6. Terminum solucionis
30% per T/T ut pignus, 70% per T/T vel L/C libra ante partum. Creditam emptoribus offerimus, quo in casu mensium post partum libra praestatio esse potuit. Grata inquisitione venditio.
7. Can I trust you?
Certo sumus Alibaba verificatur elit & Alibaba Mercaturae Fidei Suppier.
8. How long is the warranty for machines?
Machinae warantum 12 menses ab institutione & commissione.
9. How' s your after-sale service?
Postquam subsidia et servitia venditio nulli secunda est et instanter respondemus tuis quaestionibus, si partes requiruntur, mittantur ad te per tabellarium internationalem intra 48 hrs super perscriptum necessitatis tuae.
10. Can you engineer come to our place to help with machine installation & commission?
Yes, our engineers are available to travel to your place. Round flight tickets & accommodation will be
at your cost